About Caitlin Hancock
Catlin has been involved in the Dairy industry her whole life having grown up on her grandparents dairy farm in North Devon. She began learning to milk cows as soon as she was tall enough to reach. She started milking her own cows in April 2024 when she took on New Hartswell Farm and is currently milking 130 cows on an Autumn calving system.
Why they like to work at Trewithen
Caitlin began working with Trewithen in April 2024 when she took on the farm. She likes that with Trewithen you are not just a number, they know all their farmers personally and have a good relationship with them.
Main Cow Breed
The main cow breed at News Hartswell farm is Holstien Freisian and Norwegian Red Cross.
Favourite Cow
Caitlin’s favourite cow is Bessie who features in the above photo!