Matthew Rowe - Trewithen Dairy

Matthew Rowe, Tredinnick Farm

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About Matthew Rowe

Matthew is a 4th generation farmer on the 900 acre dairy and beef farm at Tredinnick, situated less than 20 minutes from Trewithen, along the Glynn Valley on the edge of Bodmin Moor. Matthew’s father is still very much involved in the daily running of the farm along with his son Andrew who is now 23 and very enthusiastic when looking after the animal husbandry and welfare. They grow all their own forage and cereals while doing as much of the field work as possible, having contractors on the larger tasks of bringing in the silage and maize crops. They are fortunate to have a good team of three employed staff working on the farm with them, ensuring they meet the high standards expected within the milk production, of which they produce over 4 million litres per year. They consistently measure the grass intake and give care and attention to the daily diet and health needs of the stock.

Why they like to work at Trewithen

Matthew and his family have been supplying Trewithen Dairy for 12 years and have always been delighted with the relationship and two – way interaction they have with their farmers, and buyers, welcoming them into the “Trew family”, and showing the whole milk processing process. Visiting buyers to the dairy have frequently visited Tredinnick Farm to meet Matthew and see the processes in place.

Main Cow Breed

They currently milk 450 Holstein x Norwegian Red dairy cows.

Favourite Cow

Matthew does have a favourite cow whose mum was born premature and was hand reared by Andrew and his sisters in their garden. Mini-Milk Molly is now 12 years old and always looks for attention, extra cuddles and back rubs. She is always looking around taking in what the humans are doing wondering when her next bit of affection is on its way to her.

Their regen journey so far

The regen journey has reminded Matthew and his family of the value and importance of their soils, whilst looking at different plants species which will benefit the environment and the cows.