
Cornish Junket

March 26, 2024



Prep Time

15 mins

Total Time

15 mins

+3 hours setting time

A dish from the West Country, comforting junket has been enjoyed for generations. Traditionally finished with a scrape of nutmeg, we love ours flavoured with real vanilla, saffron or rum. Play around with toppings too – perhaps adding blood orange, salted caramel or caramelise some sugar for a crunchy creme brulee finish.

Cornish Junket
Serves: 4 Prep Time: 15 mins Prep Time: 15 mins


Step 1

Warm the milk in a saucepan until it reaches approximately body temperature – no more.

Step 2

Stir through the caster sugar until it completely dissolves. Add the vanilla paste.

Step 3

Have four serving ramekins and a ladle ready at this point. Are you ready? Now add the rennet, stir through briefly and quickly but carefully ladle the mixture between the ramekins. At the point, don’t touch the ramekins for at last 15 minutes, leave them exactly where they are. Allow to set at room temperature – about 3 hours.

Step 4

To serve – you can grate over nutmeg, finish with a spoonful of clotted cream, or perhaps some fresh berries.

Cornish Junket

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Cornish Junket

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