Refillable Milk - Trewithen Dairy

Refillable Milk

Our self-serve milk scheme has been created for customers who asked us for an option to be able to buy our milk using less plastic and less packaging overall.

HOw our refillable Milk works

Each of the shops involved with this scheme use a pergal machine to keep the milk perfectly fresh and chilled. Inside the machine is a cardboard box with a thin PET bag which holds the milk. Both the bag and the box are 100% recyclable. You are able to buy your milk and dispense it into your reusable glass bottle.

The pergal boxes hold 13.6 litres of milk so by using your one litre resealable glass bottle and the Self-Serve milk system, you could be helping to prevent up to 14 plastic milk bottles from being used.

Self Serve Milk bottles with glass of milk Milk Being Poured Into Glass (1)

A mix of dairy herds

Our milk comes from a mix of dairy herds; Brown Swiss, Friesian, Holsteins and Jerseys. It is this teamwork between us and our farmers which ensures the cows have the right diet, care and attention to produce perfectly balanced milk every time.

Contact us

Phone, email, social media, or even a good old letter. We are happy to hear from you.